Social gaming has made an extraordinary impact on the world within the online and mobile gaming scene. As it stands, players have so many advantages of interacting with other team players, thanks to peer to peer sharing and social media platforms. With this comes the ability to meet new people, make new friends and benefit from online gaming experts. Players can also easily achieve the next level through a gaming platform where issues are discussed and solutions are only a click away. With all this in mind, we have noticed a hand full of social media and free games that have remained a favourite amongst players and are bound to make it into 2019’s hall of fame for sure.
Let's have a look at some titles in their order of popularity.
While it drove the majority of Facebook users crazy with friends invitations to join in on building a farm, the farm life wasn’t for all you see, the other half of the internet went on an absolute farming mission and made Farmville one of the top social media games to date. What's the best part of Farmville? You could access the game from your iPhone and Android to send out those pesky invites any time of the day or night. You can also get online lending hands from your friends and you can really get the clan involved.
Words with Friends
Yes, this one is still trending folks and for those who love scrabble and mocking their friends' poor spelling abilities, well that’s exactly why it’s still trending and you may just fall in love with the fantastic gaming concept. Words with Friends is simply a keeper and a gem of a game to play!
World of Warcraft
This game has built its reputation within the social gaming space. Over a staggering amount of 18 million users are able to interact with one another and in all honesty, the game is pretty impressive, one of our favourites actually. We would definitely send invites if we could get it past our good conscience. World of Warcraft is loved by players around the world and keeps on trending with the latest updates and mods.
Bitcoin Games
Look, there are many that cringe when they hear Bitcoin, but the truth of the matter is the cryptocurrency isn’t about to go anywhere any time soon and gaming developers took notice of this and decided to bank on it. Now gamers can mine Bitcoin through online social gaming and actually grow their own Bitcoin. This is pretty cool if you think about it. Another nifty creation that has been circulating as a hot topic online casino games, one of the most lucrative ways to make money from gaming online. By playing casino games, players stand the chance to win life changing sums of money and obviously we all want that. So as you can see, you are certainly spoiled for choice as an online player. Just keep those invites to yourself unless you can make some extra cash.