Furore Over GTA6 Leak Leaves Dos Lovers Confused

Following the advent of the world wide web, unfortunately in modern day life, the irritating effects of hacking are felt by both individuals, but also more noticeably by businesses - particularly larger companies when it comes to the release of stolen, private information or the more modern ransomware attacks that are suffered.

Even the entertainment industry can find no escape, with clever lurkers and dark webbers conspiring to pre release clips of much anticipated movies (occasionally the whole film or album from a promotion production), or even the more recent Grand Theft Auto 6 leaks - as particularly in that case, it seemed to spark an entirely unexpected reaction from existing fans and the wider public.

The furore centered around the quality of the game's graphics - even though it remains an in development project that will not be finished for years. But it did seem to really anger people who seemed to be surprised that this is usually what a game actually looks like - placeholders, ken doll textures amongst many other un discerning features that will be added, tweaked and finessed much further down the line when the core of the coding has been dealt with and bug tested, before a developer even really begins thinking about aesthetic beauty, realism and any attempt at producing life like animations and backgrounds. Online casinos like Novibet would probably offer similar base odds on whether this will be the last attack on the gaming industry this year given the high profile and headline games that are known to be in development – it really is a spin of the roulette wheel when it comes to hackers or cyber security having success.

For those who immerse themselves in all things modern day gaming, this will not have come as a great surprise, and in response to the hack and the apparent outrage that ensued, many developers have taken to social media in more recent days to defend their industry colleagues given some of the puerile, unfair and idiotic complaints and insults that have been sent their way - simply because some people know no better but like the sound of their own voice in the internet.

Many will appreciate their response though, as to prove the point, few, if any, focused on releasing clips of games currently in development themselves (for understandable reasons), they instead trawled the existing archive to serve up early cuts of now famously loved games where all gamers have seen really is the final polished production cut with bells and whistles.

The clips are out there for any geek who has not seen them yet, and they include Control - a winner of multiple awards for excellence in graphics - a sort of five years olds attempt to draw a Thunderjaw from Horizon: Zero Dawn, and many more.

Undoubtedly for many, those searchable clips on line will be an eye opener and a very rare glimpse into the realities of in development games, because they never look like the finished product until they are the finished product, and for sure, those in the marketing departments would like to leave fans feeling that perfection was always achieved in the first attempt, but if that was true, then Mass Effect's Commander Shepard would have had a head from the beginning, surely?

If you want to look at some of the best examples of in development games, then click here given some of the dumb 'perfection' claims being made, but for those who live their gaming through the grand olde world of DOS, graphics are not the be all and the end all of what you find an extremely entertaining and enjoyable use of your free time, and for many in the DOS world this entire episode will not make a lot of sense - and probably reinforce why they have not fallen for shiny graphics over pure game play.