Jurassic War

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Tranquil Revolt in Computer
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Jurassic War is another real-time strategy of its age. There are many similar strategies which are mostly much better, however this one use some different approach, which makes the game worth trying. The game mechanic is pretty simple and even sometimes it is quite hard to make your units do whatever they should do. They mostly disobey especially in a crowded areas but it is quite normal for such games.
This game has a quite different approach compared to the classic strategy line. Your main resource is food, which is not harvested in some sort but your units must hunt the wild animals to collect it. Collected food must be brought to the food storage. You can build a different buildings in this game, you train a builder for a food who can build the requested building or fight your foes in the meantime. There are plenty of factions, every one with some special ability. Your army consists basically of dinosaurs and humans and everyone gets improved over time so it is good to train some special soldiers in your army who will be better that 10 rookies. Dinosaurs are tougher, but humans can collect numerous objects and use them as a weapons. (such as shields, stones, spears, bows, magical talismans and much more.)


Review by unknown author

played this game in the 90s happy to found it

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7/20/2024 6:58:00 PM - Dutchie Played this back in the day, loved it.. Its a simple game and doesnt look too flashy, but the fact that you can train your troops individually makes it a very addictive game.
2/10/2022 1:26:00 PM - ratio commen on istale
7/26/2020 12:04:00 AM - Yanson GreenSlayer, masz mój miecz!
7/8/2020 6:37:00 PM - GreenSlayer teraz przypomniałem sobie o tej grze.. wspaniały klimat.. powinni zrobić w nowszej oprawie reaktywację gry.. gdybym tylko znalazł chętnych, sam zorganizowałbym zbiórkę..
5/16/2020 8:22:00 PM - Blenders Best. Game. Ever! Recent voor de zoveelste keer weer gedownload en uitgespeeld! Su-per-vet.
3/8/2020 12:59:00 AM - Anton Wow, Man this game and 7 Kingdoms, that's history.
6/26/2019 12:59:00 PM - JK My all time favorite..hope they remake this game ..7 Kingdoms and jurassic war..they are so timeless..after all this years..still in my top list :D
11/10/2017 10:34:00 PM - Andero (Y)
11/10/2017 10:33:00 PM - Andero (Y)
9/4/2017 2:51:00 PM - Yansonik This game, after 21 years, continues to baffle me. What is the purpose of bone bracelets? How a dilophosaurus can be useful? Why do boomerangs inflict more damage to mages? I'm trying to form a guide to this game. If any of you have anything to add, email me at yansonik at gmail.
12/31/2016 7:16:00 AM - Lexyvil The fact you can train individual units makes this a unique real-time strategy game~ I found out this game existed a few years ago.
10/4/2016 6:28:00 PM - Steven Verhoef Believe it or not - I play this game hours a day during 20 years.
9/11/2016 9:15:00 AM - momous Such a wonderfull game. A real jewel forget into time...
5/25/2016 1:06:00 PM - you are so wrong, it was epic game, yeah maybe warcraft and starcraft were best, but this is unique GAME
9/1/2014 11:07:00 PM - Akrom I think this game was not very popular. Under the shadow of popular games as Warcraft and Starcraft. Quite a unique playmode, but as well hard to accomplish. And it's weird find these games nowadays.
5/31/2014 3:58:00 PM - Muito bom!
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