Playing video games is a hobby and for some people, it’s even a lifestyle. Playing your favorite games 24/7 is definitely a form of addiction. You could spend this time doing anything else instead. However, some people have turned that "hobby" into a career.
Nevertheless, you have to remember that your health (both physical and mental) is one of the most valuable irreplaceable resources. And if you neglect it, you will not have any energy neither to play games nor to study. Sure, you can listen to worship music while you are making your homework, but you cannot start playing games while you study. You have to find a balance and set yourself the deadline and make a schedule. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy, keep playing your favorite games during the course sessions and still study well.
Top Ways to Play Games During Your Studying Season
For those of you who need to study well and at the same time, who wants to play games 24/7, here is one argument for worsening the game — it could be that you have less time for self-study. Challenge yourself and remember, there will be more games in the future that you can join in. Let’s check these excellent tips!
1. Find a Balance & Prioritize
You have to learn how to balance your life and think through time management. If it’s been so hard to balance gaming, family, friends, and study, it is time to separate your rest time, study time and game time.
If you rarely miss classes and studying is always a priority for you, you are in the right stream. Prioritize accuracy in all things so whenever there’s a time limit involved for studying, games, clubs, events, sleep, etc., tend to follow your time management plan. Otherwise, you will either fail outright, not do very well or just get stressed.
2. Stay in Touch with Friends & Family
From the very beginning, you have to understand what is more important to you and what you have to refuse if circumstances force you to make a choice. You can stop wasting time with a useless event and focus on important things. Set yourself a reminder that it's important to be positive and relaxed. It means you have to make sure you eat well, get fresh air and most importantly — stay in touch with friends.
It really isn’t easy to study hideous hours, do exams, meet parents and friends daily, use social media, still have time for your hobby and playing favorite games and be physically and mentally fit. Therefore, you should organize your time as you know already how to prioritize. Just follow the rule: what's right, what's correct, what works.
3. Be Organized
Plan your time and be organized. You can be lucky in many ways: you have a free schedule, there is no need to be in the university daily from 9:00 to 18:00. However, despite the free schedule, you probably have to do your daily basic stuff on time. Sure, you may not consider yourself a hyper-responsible person, but if you correctly organize your schedule and follow it accordingly, you will never fail to complete the task on time and you’ll have free time to play games.
4. Ask for Help
At first, it will be difficult for you to manage to complete all the tasks by a certain date, but over time, you will get used to it and win. You’ll get enough sleep and rest, enough time for playing video games. In any case, if you do not have enough time for studying, you can use my assignment writing services, ask friends to help you solve the problem with essays, tasks, or use up-to-date technologies to cope with your homework easier. Everything has its place and its time. Don't be afraid to ask the teacher for help. You can reward yourself when you have completed something.
5. Relax & Turn Games Into a Profit
Researchers have found that video games can increase self-confidence and develop the skills needed in real life. By playing, you can become more resistant to changing circumstances. Gamers often experience a sense of relief, they get rid of the symptoms of depression and simply they can relax. Some people use games to escape into the world of illusions, avoiding reality. However, you can turn this ordinary activity into a meaningful experience. Choose a special day for playing a two-hour session every Sunday. This approach to gaming may serve some purposes as:
Gaming will take less time,
This way you can treat yourself for a great studying,
It motivates you to finish all the plans until a certain time.
Final Thoughts
Video games could be present in some students’ lives since their childhood. That first experience could bring a tremendous feeling within a game addiction that may last a lifetime. While you are a teenager, this habit does not influence you that much (maybe some ignorance attitude or absence of friends as most of the time you spend playing Call of Duty or Pokemon). However, once you decide that you have to be productive and you must cope with the tasks on time, you can start planning your schedule and ask for help when setting up study dates.
Susan Wallace Bio
Susan Wallace is a video game blogger and professional writer. She thinks that at some point, the influence of daily routine and demand to be productive allies with the understanding of spending your time on the useless things could let you look at the games as an annoying activity. Thus you can spend a whole day playing your favorite game and, at the same time, you can feel guilty that you waste your time. But you can try to find a way and combine gaming into your productive day with the above tips.