8 Reasons Why You Should Use Smurf Accounts In League of Legends

A smurf account in LOL allows you to enjoy the games in lower tiers, escape high ELO competition, reduce queue time, & test out new strategies.

League of Legends is one of the most popular online multiplayer battle arena games created in 2009. It quickly achieved enormous popularity among PC & mac users. By the end of 2012, it was the most played game on the PC platform.

However, with the game’s enormous popularity, the professional players’ competition to maintain ranks became extremely tough. That’s why pro gamers started using a secondary account known as the smurf account along with their primary account.

Creating a smurfs account has become pretty standard & it’s also not illegal. That said, let’s get to know the ins & outs of smurf accounts and why you should use them.

What is a Smurf Account?

A smurf account is a fresh, new account at a lower tier like silver or bronze. Pro players often use fake names & IDs to create a smurf account. Most players who use smurf accounts have a primary account that has a level higher than 30.

The safest way to experiment with a new champion, get the unique feeling of trying something new, playing without any pressure, etc., are some of the main reasons for having a smurf account.

The reasons discussed here will show you why smurf accounts are important and enjoyable-

1. Playing With Low-leveled Friends

As League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle game, where matchmaking is crucial. If you are a summoner (having level 30 or more), you can’t play with your friends, who are new to the game.

Due to the game’s rules, your matchmaking will be with those who are at the same as yours. Though the reason is to create a balance from a neutral perspective, it can be irritating not being able to play with your friends who have a lower level.

If your friends are new to the game, they will be far lower in level than your current tier, probably silver or bronze. To solve this issue, players often buy lol smurf without damaging their current ID and start at a low level.

Besides, you don’t want to scare your friends by initially facing pro players. Moreover, when playing at a lower tier, you have the advantage to win.

2. Trying a New Champion

Champions possess the characters that League of Legends has. Once you have reached the summoner level, you can hardly go back & experiment with another champion. There’s a chance of losing your spot in the top ranks.

To prevent this from happening, players often use a second account such as smurfs. Thus, having the freedom to roam & test a new champion without worrying about your main account.

3. Pub-stomping

The word pub-stomping is pretty common among the online multiplayer battle games.

Pub-stomping means when you face highly skilled players in the lobby while matchmaking. These players can win the game single-handedly. Since LoL is a large part of esports, it often gets very competitive.

If you are not a pro player but have reached level 30, you might want to breathe a sigh of relief by avoiding such a hard contest.

Using a smurf account is the perfect getaway for you. When you will have less competition facing lower-ranked players & can build confidence by winning.

4. To Escape from the Hassle

Pro players have to deal with several factors besides focusing on the game itself. If you are a streamer on Facebook, Youtube, or Twitch, you may get donations or have to respond to the viewers’ requests or texts.

By doing so, you may lose concentration on your game & lose in the process.

Many pro players prefer smurf accounts to hide their actual identity and play quietly while streaming. They can use their main IDs for streaming and later on use the smurfs when they want to enjoy a nice quiet match.

5. Server Realm Issue

Once you login to a particular server, you can’t play on other servers. To do so, you need to create another account. Many gamers thus prefer a smurf account to be able to switch to other servers.

Your friends may play on a different server. To play with them, you will have to create a smurf account rather than jeopardizing your primary ID.

Again, if you want to skip the Elo based matchmaking system, disguising it as a smurf account can be a good bet.

6. Reduce Queue Time

Queue time is another vital factor to switch a smurf account. Queue time means how much time the game takes to match according to your Elo.

If you quit the game by being nervous about winning, your queue time will start to rise. Sometimes it can take from 30 minutes to one hour.

It can be a pressing issue if you are a streamer. You will lose viewers by getting stuck in the queue time. Streamers stream with a smurf account to avoid such fuss.

7. To Enjoy The Game & Relax

At the master level, your competition will become more tough & challenging. You may lose 4-5 matches straight & thus, lose confidence for the upcoming games.

If you have a smurf account, you don’t have to worry about your rank. Moreover, you will have the complete freedom to do what you missed earlier.

That is why most players create or buy smurf accounts. To enjoy a friendly match in this amazing online PC game.

8. Apply New Strategies

Staying on the summoner level, you don’t have the chance of applying anything new. Instead, you can create a secondary smurf account and test different tactics.

By doing so, you will gain more knowledge & experience. Keeping the alternative strategy ready at all times is pivotal for your success in the League of Legends.

Adopting the same old approach, time & again, will make you easily readable.

Final Thoughts

As Riot declared clearly that these smurf accounts are legal, the streamers & Youtubers can breathe signs of relief. If you’re intrigued by these points, try buying a smurf account to take your gaming skill to the next level or just to enjoy the game.