Best NFL Mobile Games In 2022

With Super Bowl right around the corner, it is time to get into the right mindset and create the ultimate football vibe.

Since everyone is thinking of the big game in the 13th of February and checking the 2022 Super Bowl MVP betting odds, we thought of looking at what the mobile industry has to offer in terms of football simulation.

Thanks to the fast growth of the mobile industry, game developers can now create highly engaging games with impressive graphics that promise hours of addictive gameplay.

Mobile games nowadays come with outstanding visuals and are the closest to regular triple-A games on PC and console yet. With that said, there are plenty of NFL games available to play on your mobile, and in today’s article, we will focus only on the best NFL mobile games.

Madden NFL 22

Madden NFL is the most popular sports franchise, and a couple of years ago they started developing a mobile version of their game.

Madden NFL 22 Mobile is an easy-to-play game with the best graphics out of all NFL games for mobile. The game is actually pretty big and contains many features that are available on their standard game such as the Ultimate Team.

Even though the Ultimate Team is the most played option on Madden NFL 22 Mobile, you can still play with your favorite teams in a head-to-head match. On top of that, Madden NFL 22 updates its stats and you can play with current roasters, which gives the game a more real-life feel. This option is only available in Season Mode.

The only drawback with Madden NFL mobile is the short quarters, which sometimes won’t allow you to turn the game in your favor. However, it is still the best mobile football game available on the market.

Fanatical Football

The second place is reserved for Fanatical Football, which is the biggest rival for Madden NFL mobile, especially when it comes to graphics and gameplay. Fanatical football is an unofficial football game that features impressive visuals and realistic gameplay.

The only drawback for this game is the right for using official team logos and members. Since Fanatical Football is an unofficial mobile game, it doesn’t hold the license to feature real-world NFL teams. This means that you can play with fictional teams, which is kind of a bummer.

However, it is still one of the highest-quality football games available for mobile.

Football Dash

Sometimes, arcade-style games can mean more fun than actual 3D football gameplay. This is a brilliant NFL game where your only job is to score a touchdown. When it comes to graphics, Football Dash is not the best game, yet its gameplay is interesting and fun to play.

Football Dash possesses basic mechanics allowing you to play with one hand. This is the perfect game that is played in sessions, and it is also great for commercial breaks during a game.

Madden Overdrive Football

Madden Overdrive Football is another official NFL game from EA Sports, and since we are talking about a game developer with years of experience in creating sports games, we can only expect the best. This game features proper football mechanics, engaging gameplay, and impressive graphics.

What makes this game different from their traditional Madden NFL is the gameplay. Madden Overdrive only allows you to make calls, chance line up, make passes, and create the best defense to counter the opposing team.

Madden Overdrive focuses more on the tactics, where you have to choose the right players, make different formations and choose the right style of play. On top of that, Madden Overdrive also comes with weekend tournaments and leaderboards, which brings the competition to the next level.

NFL Rush Gameday

If you are a fan of Minecraft then you’d probably love this game. This game features boxy graphics and features unique gameplay compared to other NFL mobile games. It is basically a children's game with 6 arcade-style mini-games, where you need to win matches to unlock items that let you customize your team.

Although NFL Rush Gameday is far from reality, developers still added weekly NFL team statistics, based on real-world events. It is a simple game, perfect for some casual gameplay that might turn into an addiction. In other words, a simple game with not-so-great graphics, but the arcade-style gameplay promises hours-long entertainment while you wait for the Super Bowl.