Super Dune 2

Developed by:
Westwood Studio
Westwood Studios had a successful start with some very popular strategy games like Dune 2 or Command & Conquer and became very successful and known. The company continued to extend the ranks of their games with more titles until it was eventually acquired by Electronic Arts who continue to improve the most popular games series.
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Super Dune 2 is an improved version of a popular Dune 2 strategy game. Super Dune 2 Is not recommended for beginners. If you never played or won Dune 2, Play the original one first. Super Dune 2 is for experienced players who want the full effect of Dune 2.



Review by craig harmer

This game is 90% better than Dune 2. I like all the changes unfortunately it seems the 10% they havent changed they have broken has numerous bugs which make it impossible to complete the later levels. shame as was really getting into it

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2/16/2021 9:02:00 PM - nicolachaos dans tout le site ou le jeu est présenté les bugs se confirment, bâtiments qui se cassent tout seul, lags, jeu enregistré mais ne peut pas être chargé on en revient toujours à la partie d'avant
8/2/2017 5:13:00 PM - Craig Rockets turrets dont work
8/2/2017 5:10:00 PM - Craig Few bugs in the game. placing the concrete tiles doesnt seem to work as dune 2, also when units die off it doesnt seem to let you build more, im currently on lvl 5 with no units left and it says i cant have more. No idea why.
5/2/2016 1:16:00 AM - When will Super Dune 2 akp will be available to play
4/25/2014 4:36:00 AM - Lloyd Irving another big glitch is the AI, I literally destroyed the base with 5 quads and they had tons of quads and troops stationed close by and they all just sat...
3/6/2014 12:20:00 PM - frogi beast
3/1/2013 2:46:00 PM - Wonderful Abandonware GAme
12/23/2012 9:07:00 PM - johnny All flying objects can only be destroyed by Rocket Turrets, and is not 100% accurate, sometimes they can pass by with no problem, its the same for Ship Carriers and Orbits. It's best if you have several Rocket Turrets together in front of your base. To get 4 concrete at once you need always to upgrade.
11/15/2012 10:38:00 AM - stuart awesome game, how can you get it to download for windows though. can only play it lie?
9/15/2012 8:08:00 PM - Kikiii I dream all the time to play thise game 1s more
3/15/2012 10:00:00 AM - Licurg Yes, you can shot down ornis, with the rocket turrets. It's the same in the original as in this version.
9/25/2011 12:35:00 AM - DJ broken? cant build concrete proper......harkonen 1st mission, gues i'll go with ogirinal version. looks the same and see several complaints about this version
6/2/2011 2:23:00 AM - Kratos Very good strategy game.It is really fun!
5/22/2011 9:44:00 PM - slong you can lay 4 in origanal, still cant shoot down them omni flying things :(
5/4/2011 5:18:00 AM - T Are you not supposed to be able to lay concrete down in a four by four square or is this a glitch??
3/25/2011 12:25:00 PM - J It's a glitch. Missile Turrets work sometimes, but not always.
3/25/2011 1:26:00 AM - scascott Last time I played it had anti air, I believe in the form of towers though I am not positive, I will play it and let you know if I find them. As far as it restarting when it ends the game, remember the site is free, appreciate it for what it is.
3/5/2011 7:24:00 PM - slong there is no anti air, lots of flaws
2/26/2011 6:29:00 PM - slong when you restart it ends ame?
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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