Warriors of Legend

Developed by:
Northwest Synergistic Software
Northwest Synergistic Software was a US game development and publishing company founded in 1978 in Seattle as Synergistic Software by Robert C. Clardy and Ann Dickens Clardy. In the IBM PC DOS era the company became known for its porting work.
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The kingdoms of Lemuria enjoyed a time of peaceful existence before the visitors came. There was little to no crime. No one went hungry. Conflict among the people was very rare. From the unknown lands of Lortai, fabled realms of sorcery and great mystery, visitors arrived. After hearing their exotic tales and witnessing their mysterious demeanor, they were given audience with open arms. Each of the visitors was equally popular with their feats of magic and all were presented to the royalty as entertainment. Soon after the performance the leaders of Lemuria mysteriously disappeared from sight. Some met with an unfortunate "accident." Those that remained behaved out of character - killing and pillaging in their own kingdoms. Rumors began that the strange visitors were involved.
By the time anyone was certain of their involvement, it was far too late. The "Black Circle," or coven of sorcerors from Lortai, had seized power only a matter of time before they too were taken by force. King Osric the Great, one of the few survivors, made a plea to all the heroes of the land to rescue his kingdom. Alas, in times of great peace and prosperity, heroes are few and far between. Only four answered Osric's plea.
On their way to Llandria, Osric's capital, the heroes were ambushed by dragons rumored to be sent from Moc Madure of the Black Circle. Called the Dragon Lord by some, Moc sent the creatures to capture the heroes and bring them to his fortress for a quick and painful death.
Warriors of Legend begins with our warriors' quest to restore Lemuria its former state. They embark upon their journey, unsure of a plan, but sure in their hearts that they must somehow be victorious...


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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