Tetris Gold

Developed by:
Sphere, Inc.
Sphere, Inc. was formed when Nexa Corporation merged with Spectrum Holobyte in 1987. Both companies were listed as divisions of Sphere, Inc. until late 1991. Sphere, Inc. was 89% owned by Robert Maxwell, the UK media baron. When Maxwell died in November 1991 (presumed to have fallen overboard from his luxury yacht), chaos ensued for all of the Maxwell companies, including Sphere.
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The Tetris Gold was released by the Spectrum Holobyte in the year 1993. They offer all the tetris games, such as Tetris, Tetris Classic, Wordtrics, Welltris. Super Tetris, and other version of Tetris. The game was launched on CD, so it has different versions for DOS, Macintosh, and Windows. The game has the interview of Alexey Pajitnov and creator of Tetris. The Tetris game offers puzzle, that player has to solve. Different kind of shapes, fall from the top and rest on the bottom surface. The player has to fit the desired piece to attain the perfect shape. As the player gets the perfect the shape, the lines of the shape get disappeared. Another game that Tetris Gold offers is Super Tetris. The Super Tetris has additional features, which encompasses different types of gameplay. It has features that make the player to play competitive and cooperative games. The Tetris classic has remarkable feature, which offers controlling technique to position the falling blocks and make them assemble easily. This game has updated the features of the old game and makes it more interesting. The Word tetris is the browser-based game, which gives look and feels of the original Spectrum Holobyte version. The Faces ...tris III, this game has turned the whole concept of the game by adding the features of rotating fall blocks. The falling parts show the people’s face, and the face should be arranged to get the perfect shape.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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