Star Breaker

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Star Breaker is an action video game that was released in 1989 on the Atari, Amiga and DOS platforms. The game was developed by Frames and was released in the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Germany.
Star breaker is a shooting game with a Sci-Fi theme. The colonies of earth are under attack from space invaders. The player takes control of Star breaker, a futuristic spacecraft flown by a cyborg to target the enemy bases and destroy them one by one. The whereabouts of these invaders are displayed on Star breaker’s radar and it’s up to the pilot to navigate to the area and carry out the attack. The player needs to shoot down all enemy crafts and bases it can locate from above. The star breaker as high-tech machinery at it’s disposal and can fly in four directions. There are two major kinds of attack techniques, one is from inside the star breaker which mostly takes place above the colonies destroyed by the invaders, and the other is a one-on-one combat where the pilot cyborg exits the spacecraft and has to navigate underground bases and mines to eliminate the enemies. Luckily, the pilot is equipped by a thruster which enables him to fly above surface and cover large distances quickly. There are also powerup stations available inside the bases where the player can get weapon upgrades and ammunition. The goal is to completely clear off enemy bases of these invaders. Once a base is completely clear, the player only has a few seconds to evacuate and get himself to safety, as a self-destruct mode is automatically activated. The star breaker then proceed to the next enemy base to destroy and conquer.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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