Speed 4 Dummies

Developed by:
Hammer Technologies
Hammer Technologies grouped part of the members of Digital Dreams Multimedia and NoriaWorks Entertainment. The biggest publication of Hammer was undoubtedly the DIV Games Studio, a programming environment for creating video games. The release of this product, which occurred during 1998, was a resounding sales success and attracted a good number of users wanting to create games but that did not have the knowledge needed to use more general languages like, for example, C or C++. Other notable titles were Snow Wave: Avalanche, Tie Break Tenis 98 and Tokenkai. Since 1999, Hammer began to change its development policy toward more complex productions and, of course, with a longer production period. The first example of this new style was embodied in a project which never saw the light, Neon Angel, a futuristic 3D video adventure with promising looks. But it was cancelled due to the demise of the company.
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Speed 4 Dummies, as the name suggest is a simple racing game aimed at novice gamers. The game was developed by Hammer Technologies and runs on the DOS platform. It was released worldwide in 2001. The game can be played by one or two players. The player or players are up against three computer-generated opponents.
The cars are all in vibrant colours, although a player cannot choose their car themselves. However, the player can choose the number of laps for each race. The options are three, six, and nine laps. The game provides a behind view. There are only two tracks for the cars to complete, one in a forested area and the other in a desert.
The player only needs to carefully navigate the racing track without being run off course through rash driving or by any of the other cars. Unlike most racing games, there are no options to upgrade the vehicle or powerups along the way. The player can increase or decrease their speed based on the track ahead. One must be careful around speed bumps which can significantly slow down the vehicle. Points are awarded for successfully completing each lap. The game can be enjoyed by anyone who is just starting their gaming journey but might appear basic and mundane to the more advanced gamers. Vibrant colours and lack of complexity make it ideal for children.
Speed 4 Dummies is very similar in appearance to similar games of the genre like Street Racer and Whacky wheels.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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