Rules of Engagement

Developed by:
Omnitrend Software, Inc.
Omnitrend Software, Inc. was founded by Thomas R. Carbone in 1979 and is a privately held business software company that branched out into computer game development during the 1980s. The company developed the three-game Universe series, Paladin, the Breach games, and two Rules of Engagement games.
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Rules of Engagement is a role-playing game in which you take on the role of a Fleet Commander deployed to lead Federated Worlds forces in specific missions against enemy or rebel forces. Each mission takes place an a particular solar system. The game is very realistic and extremely difficult. The extensive manual as attached to help the new players to become familiar with the game mechanics.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
Please fill in the math result and click Download.