Operation Market Garden: Drive on Arnhem, September 1944

Developed by:
Cases Computer Simulations Ltd.
Cases Computer Simulations Ltd. (CCS) was based in London, and primarily published strategy games. The company was founded by Melvin Lloyd-Jones in May 1982 an remained active until at least the early nineties.
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OPERATION MARKET GARDEN: DRIVE ON ARNHEM, SEPTEMBER 1944 made its entry into the category of historical war games in 1986. It was released in the United States by Strategic Simulations Inc.
Following the events of World War II, this game simulates the largest daylight airborne operation of the war, which took place on September 17th 1944 to capture the bridges of Holland. The objective is to command the Allied forces comprised of the American 82nd and 101st, The British 1st Airborne division, and the 30th corps through their mission.
Defeating the German forces and maintaining control of the territory are the primary objectives. The game has 4 difficulty level options and allows players to play as single-player or multiple. On the screen, your troops are represented by dots on the map, each stationed in their strategic location.
However, the dated graphics might present a confusing picture for players, making it challenging for you to distinguish troops from the road networks.
To win the game, you have it maintain supplies from running out, earning points for keeping supply hexes in check and losing them for overrun hexes by German-controlled towns.
There are 5 levels in total and players much reach the required points before going to the next level. OPERATION MARKET GARDEN: DRIVE ON ARNHEM, SEPTEMBER 1944 is a turn-based game allowing the player and the computer their respective turns, so it’s wise to be strategic and understand your opponent's strategy as well. Though with pixelated and subpar graphics it challenges players to put themselves in the shoes of the command and glimpse of the Allied forces what it was like for World War II veterans. This game stands unique for its historical importance and the genius of its developers.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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