Operation Combat

Developed by:
Merit Software
Merit Studios, Inc. was originally an American public company based in Dallas, Texas. Merit Studios (Europe) Limited, (formerly Zeppelin Games), was formed in 1994 and was allocated responsibility for the sales, marketing and distribution of Merit Inc.'s US games into the European marketplace as well as developing its own products. In 1996, Merit Studios (Europe) Limited obtained both registered developer and publisher status for Sony PlayStation. At the end of 1996, the Directors of Merit Studios (Europe) completed a Management Buy Back of the European Subsidiary from Merit Studios, Inc. The company was renamed Eutechnyx Limited, with the Infogrames Group acquiring a minority shareholding in the company.
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Operation Combat is a war simulation and strategy game that runs on the DOS platform. Released in 1991, it is one of the oldest multiplayer war games which also popularized modem play. Operation Combat was published by Merit Studios Inc.
The player assumes the role of a commander who is tasked with leading his troops to victory. The Battle is between the Red Army and the Blue Army, with very little backstory or context. The player can choose either the Red or the Blue army to command. The gameplay is turn-based where each turn lasts for about 240 seconds.
The commander, with the help of a few maps, needs to guide and command his troops in battle against the opponent. Air support is available and can be requested when the need arises. Once the troops have reached the coordinates, the commander can give orders to fire or wait for the opponent to make a move.
Information about artillery and ammunition is available on the screen, so the commander can request reinforcements in advance. The commander also has huge tanks at their disposal which he can use at the enemy base. The goal is to destroy the enemy headquarters. The unit must overcome rough and uneven terrain, very accurately displayed by the use of isometric graphics. Operation Combat might lack the precision of modern-day war games but does a commendable job of recreating a battle scene with good graphics and sound effects. It demands quick decision- making and strong reflexes which are characteristics of every battle simulation.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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