Mixed World

Developed by:
Nelson Chu
No Multiplayer
2 x
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Your job is to quide object thru the mazes, collecting all the arrows. Collect all arrows and object passes the level.
These arrows are your weapons. Take caution about their directions. Arrows are shot at one direction only! With arrows, you can kill the monsters, explode the bombs, and even destory some of the walls. However, you can only possess FOUR arrows at one time.
The object may find some teleports. They transport object to another one of them randomly.
Monsters are all those moving objects except moving-stones. Some are just moving in a certain routines, while some will chase you! Some of they have got shields, so shot them on the sides they haven't got one or bomb them.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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