Medieval Warriors

Developed by:
Merit Software
Merit Studios, Inc. was originally an American public company based in Dallas, Texas. Merit Studios (Europe) Limited, (formerly Zeppelin Games), was formed in 1994 and was allocated responsibility for the sales, marketing and distribution of Merit Inc.'s US games into the European marketplace as well as developing its own products. In 1996, Merit Studios (Europe) Limited obtained both registered developer and publisher status for Sony PlayStation. At the end of 1996, the Directors of Merit Studios (Europe) completed a Management Buy Back of the European Subsidiary from Merit Studios, Inc. The company was renamed Eutechnyx Limited, with the Infogrames Group acquiring a minority shareholding in the company.
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Medieval Warriors lets you pit your military skills against those of the computer in a graphically animated, computer battle game.
It also allows you to play against another human player, either on a single computer, or over the telephone with two computers equipped with modems.
Medieval Warriors provides 4 perspectively viewed, Battlefield Terrain maps upon which the game may be played. Each offers different military problems in a medieval setting to be solved by the strategy, tactics and intelligence of the player or players. These Battlefield Terrain maps include King's Bridge, Frontier Outpost, Village Wall, and Castle Keep.
Both sides in Medieval Warriors have twelve animated, individual warriors, each with different names and abilities, which move and fight on command with bow, knife, axe and sword.
To select any warrior, simply point the tip of the mouse pointer to any warrior visible on the Battlefield Map, or to one of the friendly colored positions marked on the Tactical Grid, and press the left mouse button. The chosen warrior will now be marked by a surrounding yellow bracket.
To MOVE the warrior, point the mouse pointer at another Battlefield Map location, and press the left mouse button. The warrior will then attempt to walk to the selected destination.
To ATTACT with the selected warrior, first choose a weapon from the list and an Attack direction from the Attack Direction Compass. Now select the Attack control, and the selected warrior will attack in that direction, striking a blow against an enemy warrior if one is in range.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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