
Developed by:
Topologika Software Ltd.
Topologika Software Ltd. was founded by a group of teachers in 1987. It is located in the Cornwall, England, (UK) and is the publisher and distributor of children's educational software and games. In the 1980s, they published some of the classic text-adventure games for the BBC Micro, Spectrum, Amstrad, Atari and the PC. Some time in their history they became part of the 21st Century Entertainment conglomerate.
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Hezarin is an adventure game with a fantasy theme, released in 1990. The game was developed and published by Topologika Software Ltd. Who have developed many other similar games of the genre. Hezarin is a text-based game that runs on the DOS platform. It is a single-player game and can be controlled using the Keyboard.
The game is set in the fantasy land of Hezarin, where an evil sorcerer named Anjith has declared himself the emperor and is unleashing terror among the inhabitants by his tyrannical ways. The player needs to save the people of Hezarin by defeating Anjith and stripping him of his powers. However, to defeat him, the player must destroy the source of his magical powers, which are kept in a box and buried deep into the earth. The location is protected by powerful spells. To get to it, the player needs to solve several puzzles and traverse through difficult terrain, full of unknown dangers. However, there is also an ample amount of treasure to be collected along the way. Points are scored for the treasures collected and hence, the player can accumulate high scores before even getting to Anjith. The puzzles can get challenging as the game progresses and sometimes are quite whimsical. However, not all puzzles are compulsory and few of them can be skipped if the player is willing to let go of a few points. Like other Topologica games, Hezarin is text-heavy with a detailed backstory. The scenarios have been accurately described meticulously, transforming the player into the magical land of Hezarin.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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