Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan

Developed by:
Iron Byte
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Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan is a game published by Dinamic Software and developed by Iron Byte in the year 1989. This game was released in DOS Platform. The theme of the game is Beat’em up/ Brawler theme. This game was not only released in DOS but in other platforms like Amiga and Atari too.
In this game, the streets of future NYC is captured by thugs and thieves everywhere. No street, no lane is safe now. They are beating up civilians and looting them. It is now up to  Freddy Hardest to protect the citizens and beat the thugs with his baseball bat and knives. This is a side-scrolling beat’em up game. This is a pretty simple game if you see it. If you experience in a side-scrolling beat’em games, you will definitely like it. As this game is published by Dinamic Software, who are known for their difficulty, this game is pretty difficult to play.
The player gets a single bar of life which will reduce if you take a hit and there is no extra life or something like that. Your life gets recovered if you stand in an empty space for some time. You can kick and punch at your enemies unless you have weapons. Weapons can be found laying in the ground. Weapons deal greater damage to the enemy. You have to make it all through the next level without getting any kind of checkpoint.
The game is pretty good given that it only has four colors. The gameplay is simple and there is not much to understand. All you need is good control over your remote and your experience of beat’em up games. Overall, Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan is a decent play.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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