Fox Ranger

Developed by:
Soft Action
Soft Action (소프트액션) was a South Korean video game developer. The company was founded on November 1st, 1990, by Nam Sangkyu. They developed games primarily for the PC, most notably the Fox Ranger series. Early 2000's saw a shift to games aimed at children, and in 2003 Soft Action switched to mobile games before becoming defunct in an unspecified year late in the decade.
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Fox ranger is an action game with 2D visuals. The game was released in 1992 for DOS platforms with futuristic and sci-fi settings. The game features a side-view perspective and shooter and arcade gameplay.
The side-scrolling game Fox ranger possesses six levels. At the end of each level, there is a boss whom the player has to defeat. The gameplay is simple and involves the shooting of all the elements that are seen moving on the screen. In the Korean game, the player encounters several enemies that he has to shoot down. Moreover, the end-level bosses are challenging to kill. Nonetheless, you can choose to play on the beginners or easy level if you wish for some warm-up.
The enemies are funny-looking probes, suicidal mini-ships, and triangular space crafts that run towards you. Some meteorites hurtle out the space in the space missions.
The game features stunning ship designs, creative power-ups, non-stop action, and numerous baddies in excellent smooth-scrolling and EGA graphics. The control (CTRL) button fires the standard weapon whereas, Alter (ALT) button is pressed to use the additional weapon. The additional weapon is sown at the top of the screen in a box. If the player dies, and his standard weapon is still powered-up, he won't lose the game.
The player can select levels ranging from easy, normal to hard. Also, he can choose with 3, 5, or 7 ships to begin. Moreover, the shield can be set from hard, easy, or normal, with 3, 9, or 9 shield units.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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