Caveman UghLympics

Developed by:
Dynamix Inc.
Dynamix Inc. was located in Eugene, Oregon. Originally, the company was named Software Entertainment Company, which was started by Jeff Tunnell and Damon Slye, two graduates from the University of Oregon. The games weren't making enough money to keep Dynamix going, and in August 1990 the company was sold to Sierra On-Line.
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Sports never fails to sway people off their feet and Olympic amongst all top the sports game popular across the globe. We all are well acquainted with the Olympics and many of you, have seen its gameplay on the television. But have you ever imagined how Olympics would have been played by the cavemen? Exciting isn’t it? Well, Caveman UghLympics takes the player through the very thought adding fun and excitement in equal ratio giving the Flintstone era feel. The game depicts the Olympics played during the prehistoric times. The player can choose up to six players having their own unique characters as well as the mode of the game whether practice or actual Ughlympics. Once the players and modes are chosen begins the real fun of the game. The gamer is presented with a plethora of exciting games comprising of Saber Race wherein the player needs to reach the finishing line while a saber-tooth tiger is running behind you. Mate Toss, wherein the player is needed to toss his mate to get hands on the keys. In Fire-making, players race to create fire rubbing two sticks, while they storm at opponents using clubs standing at the edge of the cliff in clubbing. These games don’t fail to surge the level of excitement at any point. The game also consists of Dino Race and Dino Vault, where the player is bid against the giant dinosaurs. Filled with excellent conceptualization and fun, Caveman UghLympic will surely end you charged up energy.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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