Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality

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In Captain Comic 1, Comic recovered the priceless Crown Jewels. These jewels were stolen from the planet Omsoc (cosmo backwards) by thugs from Tambi. Anyway, en route back to Omsoc, Comic receives a faint distress signal from an uncharted plant. He then teleports down to the planet without even his trusty Blastola Cola from the last adventure, and sets out to find the source of the signal.
He soon gets a Cola, and makes his way into a scientific base through the back door. He meets these aliens called the Skrejgib (Big Jerks backwards). The head Skrejgib tells him a story. According the Skrejgib, this is a scientific expedition that landed on this planet in search of a new energy source for their home planet. While searching the many caves behind the waterfalls, the Skrejgib stumbled on a temple. Inside this temple were six large power crystals. The Skrejgib removed the crystals to process them for power. However, in doing so, they unleashed the same forces that had driven the planet into the dark ages from which it had yet to recover. In revenge, the natives attacked to Skrejgib and stole the key to the temple. He then asks you to get the key and bring it back to him.
He tells you that the natives took the key deep into the mines, and tells his men to give you a pick axe to help you along your way in the mines. The other Skrejgib are in the escape pod area, where all of the pods but one are launched. One of them gives you a pickaxe, and tells you to expect to have to do some swimming to get to the mines. You make your way through the mines until you come upon an area which is different then the rest or the mines. There are these wierd, glowing crystals. Out of the crystals come green ghosts which you can't harm. At the end of all this is a native. He tells you that the green crystals are power crystals. These crystals corrupt the natives on contact. When the Skrejgib landed, he thought they might be immune to the bad effects of the crystals, but it had proven otherwise. The Skrejgib had tried to use the crystal's power to enslave the natives. To prevent this, the natives had desparately attacked the station.
However, when the natives touched the crystals, they began fighting among themselves. Seeing that all was lost, the native you are talking to took the temple key and went into the mines with it. He tells you that now the power of the crystals has split reality into six different parts. In each part is the holder of a crystal. The crystals have corrupted and made the holders more powerful. You now need to go to the temple and defeat each of the siz holders and bring the crystals back to the temple, and preferably destroy them.
You make your way back to the base station, only to find a note. The note says that conditions have become too dangerous for the Skrejgib, and they have taken refuge in your orbiting ship. Since this avenue is cut off, you go to theh temple. After solving the maze, you find a native standing next to this machine with 6 panels on it. The native tells you that you must get all of the crystals and bring them back to the temple. On closer inspection, the six panels are: Nature, Magic, Time, Ice, Techno, and Dreams. You select one, and your journey begins.
After getting all six crystals, the native tells you that you should be able to destroy them, and release all of the ghosts in the mines who were held by the crystal's power. You do so, and a whole bunch of ghosts - now white - rise up through the floor. One of them carries you with it. You come down where you started the game. There are no more enemies now, and several natives standing around. They thank you profusely. Going to the base, a native near it tells you that unfortunately, the Skrejgib have taken off with your ship. All they left was a note. The note says that they are very disappointed that you destroyed the crystals, since they had hoped to claim them for their own use. However, they did find three priceless treasures aboard your ship, and since there is a large reward posted for them, they will use that money to recoup their losses. Also, they will sell your space cruiser. The note ends by saying that they won't be seeing you soon, as this planet won'e develop space travel for another 1000 years. You go inside the newly renovated base, and find that a time machine salvaged from the ruins of an an ancient city has been set up. A native tells you they have set it far in the future, and nobody that has gone into the time machine has come back. Another native broadly hints that the netives might have space travel in the far future. You enter the time machine and win the game. The ending hints that there will be a sequel, but apparently the idea was scrapped, and Captain Comic 2 is the last of the series.


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