Bionic Commando

Developed by:
Capcom Co., Ltd.
Capcom Co., Ltd. was originally established in 1983 in Osaka, Japan. The company is known for creating popular franchises such as Mega Man, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and others.
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Bionic Commando is a platformer game released in 1988 by Capcom. This game is designed based on the 1987 arcade game with the same title.
As a player, you take the name of Ladd Spencer, a member of FF Battalion. Rescuing Super Joe and preventing the Albatros project is the mission of Spencer. There are many stages in Bionic Commando and you will be equipped with different types of machinery as you progress the game. Spencer’s one arm is the mechanical arm that has a grappling gun which allows him to swing from the ceiling and climb. The main drawback of the character is that it cannot jump. This is where the bionic arm comes into action- helps in leaping and climbing. The bionic arm can extend overhead, straight front and above at 45 degrees. At the beginning of the game, you can move spencer’s helicopter on the map in a nonlinear fashion. You will start the game in Area 0 on an overworld map and can select any connected area on the map. In the game as the Spencer helicopter moves, the enemy vehicles on the ground also begin to move. Spencer can descend and play a particular area only if the helicopter does not cross the path of an enemy vehicle. If intercepted, then Spencer must engage in shooter fight with the enemies.
On descending, Spencer should select the equipment to fight with and then find as many communication rooms as possible.  Your objective will be to move to the Area’s computer room, kill the boss guarding the computer core and destroy it to clear the area. In the game, there are neutral areas like combat areas where Spencer can get more information about his enemies. the game provides the player with an interesting environment and variety of weapon options. It has good graphics, great soundtracks and controllers.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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