Berlin 1948

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Time Warp Software GmbH
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Berlin, 1948
The former capital of the German Empire lies in ruins following the devasttating Allied Bombing attacks at the end of World War II. As a result of post-war reparations, the city was divided into four sectors, controlled by French, British, American and Soviet occupation forces.
Recently, however, in an attempt at total control of the region, the Soviets have attempted a blockade of West Berlin, sealing off the city from the rest of Germany and preventing the import or export of vital goods and services. The people suffer while the Black Market thrives.
America has respoinded by airlifting massive amounts of food, medicine and other supplies into the ravaged city. So far, the airlift has kept the citizen's hopes alive, but new information reveals an even greater threat to the future of Berlin.
The Plot
Deep-cover CIA informants in the Eastern sector have verified that Soviet agents have smuggled an atomic bomb into West Berlin. It is believed that the weapon will be used to hold the city hostage to Soviet demands, and detonated if any attempts to disarm the device are uncovered. It's an unacceptable situation.
Your Mission
Tempelhof Airport, Berlin;September 28, 1948; 6 p.m. Standing alone at the entrance to the airport, you, as CIA agent Sam Porter, consider your options.
Your mission is a desperate one, and requires the varied skills you have developed in years of experience in the world's troublespots. Handpicked by the upper echelons of the agency for this covert operation, you must establish a fake identity, explore the city, find the perpetrators of this insidious crime, and disarm the bomb - secretly. As you make your way through the city, look carefully at every building, talk to every interesting person you encounter and explore every nook. You never know where a clue might be found.



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