
Developed by:
Turcan Research Systems Limited
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Players yearning to relive history might find succor in this historical war game. Armada follows the 1588 battle between The English fleet and The Spanish Armada.
As the first entry into historical war games, ARMADA is a pioneer in the gaming industry as it paved the way for many more to follow. Released in 1989 by Turcan Research Systems Limited led by Dr. Peter Turcan in the United Kingdom, Armada allows players to choose which side of history they will like to be on.
Either as the English commanded by Lord Howard or as the Spaniards commanded by Medina Sidonia.
There is the option to play against the computer in a one-player game or against friends in a two-player game is available. You can equally sit back and choose neither side and become a spectator, watching the computer play both sides.
Thanks to its 3D perspective, players can virtually control the events of July 31st, 1588 near Plymouth using 30 various orders aligning with historical facts regarding names, missions, commands, time, and place.
From your viewpoint, you can assess which orders your subordinates discharged and which are pending. Every decision impacts the outcome of the subsequent events. Many game critics praised ARMADA for its attention to detail, its accuracy of the events that unfolded, and its 3D dramatic view of the battlefield.
Unlike many other games, it presented something uniquely departing from generic games, whereby players enrich their knowledge of history and entertain themselves at the same time.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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