Alter Ego (Male version)

Developed by:
Activision, Inc.
Activision was established in 1979 and followed the successful years until 1984. Then they struggled until 1989 when they stared to focus on software in general.
No Multiplayer
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Alter ego is a unique game, which is based on the life of a person from birth to old age. In this game, you have to live a different character. The Player will choose different personality by giving the answer of some introductory questions or may be random. After choosing a specific personality player has to live the life of the chosen person. He has to face all the difficulties coming in the life of his character from birth to death. During the gaming session, you have to decide how your player will react in the different situation. This game is directly connected to the real life. Whatever you will do in real life in different situations same things you have to do in the game. In the game, you will be provided with different situations where you have to guide your character for the correct response. In response, you have to choose one from multiple answers. All depends on the mood of the character. On the basis of the outcome of the answers given by you will be transferred to the next level where the different situation is waiting for you. Since the game Alter Ego is based on the life events so every decision taken by your character will have a long-term impact. Your decision will affect your health and personality and the upcoming situation. Some decisions may cause early death of the character. Each phase of the character is represented by the life tree where situations are lined up. After some aged character will get different life options. Before attempting any situation, you will get a motive Card. In the game, you will see the things according to your age. The Graphic used in the game is impressive. Gaming plot is interesting and addictive.



Review by unknown author

Great game... Happily married, no debt, small house, reasonable boat. Died on the operating table at 72 because the doctor screwed up, or maybe i wasnt healthy enough... 5/5 for sure!

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7/6/2024 12:14:00 AM - Pretty! This was a rezlly wonderful post. Thank you for providing these details.
7/19/2021 8:06:00 PM - Biffa IK used to play this on the C64 back in the day. Great fun game
11/30/2013 11:42:00 PM - Konian how do you save??
7/28/2013 6:50:00 PM - Montichello This is a amazing game. So much replay value. NOTICE/ADVICE: Hit "Esc" to use the side topics
2/16/2012 7:47:00 PM - Karnivor This is "second life's" grandfather. It ist fun to play. It wont keep you up all night but it will make a couple of hours pass.
2/6/2012 4:27:00 AM - Ryan W. Interesting game, played it for a while and is replayable- unique.
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
Please fill in the math result and click Download.