Air Force Commander

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Impression Software was founded in 1989. The company focused on strategy and business games including sport simulations. It was acquired by Sierra On-Line in 1995.
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Air Force commander is a dos game developed by Impression games and it was released in 1992. This is a Strategy and tactic genre of game. In this game, you are the commander of a Middle Eastern country’s air force whose aim is to gain Air superiority. This game consists of aircraft and rocket bases. There is no other type of vehicles in this game.
Your mission is to target enemy bases and destroy them, sound simple, right? Well, it's not. The player has to attack enemy bases as well as intercept enemy aircraft who are doing the same thing, destroying bases. Different map views show the location of the enemy bases and places where we can intercept the incoming attack.
This is a strategic game, so there are resources, which are to spend carefully. You cannot just see a target and use all your firepower to destroy. If your resources get scarce, things can get ugly for you. You have the choice to open and close bases according to your need. You have to maintain the public mood. If you let too many civil facilities get destroyed and there is a scarcity of food, your funds for the further mission will be cut. You will lose the game in this way.
This game gives you a good knowledge of history. It shows the war of Bahrain vs Qatar. It highlights old aircraft like the SU-17 and also the latest F-117A Stealth fighters. The graphics are good because the scenario looks beautiful and they are detailed. There is no option of campaign mode. You have to just go as the game progresses. Air Force Commander is truly great and everyone who likes to play strategic military games should definitely give it a try.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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