1st Person Pinball

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Cirrus Software
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One of Tynesoft's earliest pinball games, 1st Person Pinball is a decent, but little-known game from the late 1980s. There is just one table in this game, but it is notable for the fact that up to four players may fight for the high score table, as well as for the good EGA visuals and decent ball mechanics that make the game enjoyable.
As early pinball titles go, this one looks amazing and plays well, but the table design isn't up to ERE's Macadam Bumper's standards: the 1st Person Pinball table is quite basic. If you want to complete your collection of classic pinball games, this one is a good choice. However, it doesn't offer as much fun as other games.
Tynesoft was probably the first company to try a first-person pinball game using this ambitious software package. You may play with up to four players, including two computer players who will show you how to play the game. When learning the game, it's suggested to play the game in the conventional overhead-view mode, which makes it simpler to determine where each bumper is in relation to the flippers. Most of the bumpers are monochrome and placed in an orderly pattern. In addition to three distinct gaming speeds, there are two different ball bounce levels. Along with 2D and 3D displays, First Person Pinball provides both single-player and multiplayer action. It is a pinball game in which the camera follows closely on the ball rather than the whole table, as most other pinball games did back then. 1st Person Pinball was released in 1989 for DOS.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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