Innocent Until Caught

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Divide By Zero
No Multiplayer
2 x
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Adding yet another game in the series of Sci-fi games, Innocent Until Caught is a sci-fi graphical adventure game. Since ages, space and the outer world have intrigued the people and this theme is about the outer space taken as the plot of the series, and set in the futuristic world of 2171.
Jack Ladd, a thief who is a pro in escaping all the hurdles until being caught by I.R.D.S (Interstellar Revenue Decimation Service) now charged with all his felonies and unpaid taxes. He is given a time of 28 days to repay, failing which death would be the ultimate punishment. To gather money for his expenses, the Ladd ventures into the Tayte System, which is the deadliest place ventured by any sane person.
He performs a quest for one among Ebeneizer, a pawnbroker or Don Git Savage. When he succeeds in the quest he is caught by the police and put behind bars, from where he manages to escape with the help of Alkaseltz Prison. While stealing the superweapon from research lab which can erase all the files from IRDS, he falls in love with the daughter of the dictator of Transatron.
Innocent until Caught is a perfect mix of adventure, thriller, romance and action without getting dull for even a minute. The game received appreciation for its plot and graphics, which was termed as a rare combination of daring and innocent both in one package.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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