Important Tips & Tricks to Improve Your Gameplay in LoL

A question so many players ask - how to get better at LoL? We all have been there. Getting better at League of Legends takes time and practice, but it's possible if you focus on the right things. In this article, we'll cover some tips and tricks that can help you improve your gameplay.

First, we'll talk about understanding and mastering your allies and opponents' champions. Next, we'll discuss map awareness – an essential skill for staying one step ahead of your enemies. Then, we'll dive into micro and macro gameplay. Finally, we'll cover wave management, which is super important for controlling the minions and gaining an edge over your lane opponent.

By mastering these key areas, you'll be well on your way to becoming a true League of Legends pro. So, let's get started!


One of the most important things in League is understanding your champion really well. It's best to main just 2-3 champions that you really get good at, instead of playing lots of different ones. This gives you a big advantage in draft pick because you can get a champion you're an expert on.

Once you've chosen your main champions, you need to master everything about them. Learn all their abilities and combos inside out, some tools could help improve this side. Know exactly what damage they can do and when their power spikes happen in the game. You want to play around those power spikes and take advantage when your champion is strongest.

It's also really helpful to learn about the champions your allies are playing. Understand when their big power spikes happen so you can play around them and help them carry team fights.

The other side of the coin is knowing your opponents' champions. Study their abilities and find their weaknesses. If you're laning against a champion, make sure you know their cooldowns and windows to go aggressive when their abilities are on cooldown. In team fights, focus on staying safe from their big damaging abilities.

Map Awareness

Being aware of what's happening on the map is one of the most important skills in League of Legends. Knowing where your opponents are and what they are doing can give you a huge advantage.

You always want to have an idea of the enemy team's positions. Are they missing from a lane? They might be getting ready to gank you or make a play elsewhere on the map. Paying close attention to missing enemy champions is crucial.

Map awareness also means knowing when to secure important objectives like Dragon, Baron, or tower plates. You don't want to get caught out while going for these. Having vision through wards can really help.

Another key part of map awareness is understanding when it's a good time to roam or gank another lane. If you shove your lane and have priority, you may be able to make a play in another lane before your opponent can react. But you have to be careful not to overextend and get punished.

Micro and Macro

In League of Legends, there are two important gameplay concepts: micro and macro. Mastering both is key to improving at the game.

Micro refers to your mechanical skills and precise control over your champion. This includes things like last-hitting minions, dodging skill shots, comboing your abilities correctly, and winning small trades in lane.

Having good micro means you can squeeze every bit of advantage out of your champion's kit. You'll be able to secure extra gold from CS, land those tricky skill shots, and outplay your opponents in micro battles.

Macro gameplay is about the bigger-picture strategy. This includes map movements, objective control, vision control with wards, and playing to your team's strengths.

Good macro play keeps you one step ahead. You'll know when to rotate for objectives, when to group for team fights, and how to play side lanes effectively. It also means warding intelligently to track the enemy team.

The best League players have outstanding micro mechanics combined with smart macro strategy. While micro lets you win small skirmishes, good macro planning allows you to control the overall flow of the game.

Wave Management

Wave management is a crucial skill for controlling the lane and getting an advantage over your opponent. It's all about knowing what to do with the incoming waves of minions.

One key part of wave management is freezing the wave. This means keeping the minion waves closer to your tower by last hitting perfectly. A frozen wave can zone and deny CS from your lane opponent.

Sometimes you'll want to build up a huge wave of minions, then shove it quickly into the enemy tower. This lets you reset the lane, recall safely to buy items or make a play elsewhere on the map.

Other times, you'll need to instantly clear the wave by killing all the minions fast. This is important for catching objectives like Void Grubs or Rift Herald before they spawn. It also lets you rotate and impact other lanes.

Knowing when to freeze, shove, or clear is a matter of experience. But in general, you want to manipulate waves to build advantages. A frozen wave denies the enemy. A shoved wave buys you time. An instantly cleared wave enables you to make proactive plays.


Improving at League of Legends requires dedication and practice in multiple areas. By understanding your champions, maintaining map awareness, mastering micro and macro gameplay, and managing waves effectively, you'll be on your way to becoming a formidable player. Stay focused, keep learning, and enjoy the journey toward mastery in this challenging yet rewarding game.